
  • New Tethered wombs previewAs salaam alaikum I pray this message finds you well. Tethered Wombs was set to go live today, but… I got busy … so in order to stay true to my word I am releasing the audio of the first lesson to my subscribers here. I pray it is of some benefit to you… let me know what you think and I look forward to seeing you in the program InshaAllah. Tethered womb intro 1.m4a with love Wa salaam alaikum ———— New Opportunity !!! You can now access all of my coaching programs, masterclasses and courses...Read more
  • Womens secretsAs salaam alaikum Reader, I pray this message finds you well. I want to share with you that I've always felt there was something special about women that Allah has kept to Himself...and has left purposefully somewhat clouded in mystery in this world. Allah is very specific about how Adam was created, but for women He tells us only that we were created from the rib of Adam. Allah is very specific about a mans role in a marriage, as maintainer, provider, and protector; but for women He is more...Read more
  • IdentityAs salaam alaikum Reader, I pray this message finds you well. I wanted to send you a quick message about identity. Identity can be defined as the distinguishing character or personality of an individual. Our own identity as well as the identity of others defines and forms the foundation for how we relate to ourselves and others. Even more importantly, understanding the identity of Allah, through His attributes, should be the foundation upon which we build our relationship with Him. I spoke...Read more
  • Love lost (pt.2)As salaam alaikum Reader, I pray this finds you well. Brave enough and open enough to love Allah and to love whom and what He loves, and to love for His sake. Growing up, one of the things I always loved about Islam was that I felt like Allah and His messenger told me the truth. Islam was not about what I wanted to hear, or what sounded 'right' or good to my ears or anyone else's. Allah was gonna tell me the truth, His Prophet (pbuh) was going to tell me the truth, always with love, and...Read more
  • Love lostAs salaam alaikum Reader, I pray this message finds you well…loving well and well loved. It’s the month of the birth of the beloved of Allah, and so, love is on the hearts and minds of lovers the world over. I mentioned previously about my problem with the adage of ‘Self-Love’ ie ‘Love of Self’ and I wanted to tell you a symptom of this plague… and that is the sad state of Love Lost. You see, because contrary to what we’ve been told, the more you focus on loving yourself the less space,...Read more
  • Be a blessing As salaam alaikum Reader, I pray this message finds you well. And I pray this message is a blessing for you in some shape or form. Sayidina Ali (ra) is quoted to have said to be like the flower who gives its fragrance even to the one that crushes it. I will admit to you that since I heard this statement it didn’t always sit easily with me. I heard it as, be nice to people, even if they treat you like crap… and that just didn’t sit right. However, I’ve grown to take something slightly...Read more
  • Love As salaam alaikum Reader, I pray this message finds you well. We have entered into the month of Rabi al Awwal Alhamdulillah. It was in this month that Allah caused our blessed Prophet, peace be upon him, to be born, and so, I’m thinking a lot about love. Our Prophet (pbuh) is known as Habibullah, or the beloved of Allah. Consequently, we are told that our faith will not be perfected until we love him(pbuh) more than we love our parents, our children, and even our own selves. I want you to...Read more
  • Counting your blessingsAs salaam aliakum Reader, I pray this message finds you well. I was thinking today about counting our blessings. We hear that statement a lot, and it is valuable when we are thinking about gratitude. When we are in the space of feeling unsure or doubtful, it is good to count our blessings. However, when you are really in the space of gratitude itself, you are living in your blessings, and you realize how innumerable your blessings are. Understanding that you are living in your blessings opens...Read more
  • When to give up???As salaam alaikum Reader, I pray this message finds you and your family well. I was thinking about this thing of giving up on people, relationships, goals, dreams... It is easy to think that we won't give up on our dreams. The advice to keep working and moving and trying resonates pretty easily. But what about giving up on people or relationships, that one is trickier. Because you see the common understanding is that you cannot want something for someone more than they want it...Read more
  • Relationship As salaam alaikum, I pray this message finds you well. I just wanted to share a quick message on relationships. I believe that one of the fundamental reasons we have relationships- or maybe a fundamental desired blessing within them- is so that we can be of benefit to that other person. Most importantly, so that we can pray for that person. Often we can see a need in others that they cannot see in themselves, and vice versa. In relationships we get to be that missing puzzle piece that...Read more

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